Terms and Condition

Terms and Conditions of Use / Service Agreement.

If any time you come to a conclusion that it’s not the product you wanted, you can always turn to a 100% full money-back guarantee that is contact us we’ll refund you every penny of the money you spent without having to ask why.

This website is presented to you by Leanbiome. You will only be granted access to this website if you agree to abide by the following conditions and terms.

1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions. As you use our site or services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Besides, you agree with us to use your Personal Information in a manner with the Privacy Policy. It is a legally binding commitment.

2. Purpose of Use. The content of this site is provided for educational & entertainment purposes only. Please note that the information offered herein should not substitute for the advice of your physician or other health care provider. It is highly recommended that you consult with your family doctor before embarking on an exercise or specialized nutrition program. The information you provide is shared exclusively by get Leanbiome. visit my website, for the purpose of evaluating your nutrition needs, providing meal and supplement plans, and presenting workout regimens. Your personal data will not be disclosed or stored with unrelated parties without your consent. You should know that the benefits you get could be different from others because of so many factors, such as the accuracy of the information you provide, changes in your health and lifestyle habits, and how well you follow the program. When it comes to food allergies or drug interactions, you must consult your physician and review the ingredients in all recipes presented. You are aware that the medications you may be on or any treatment you are currently receiving can influence your participation in this program, hence we advise that you only participate if you have discussed this with your health practitioner.

3. Security and Technology Requirements. Leanbiome uses SSL technology on several web-site pages to assist protect information that is passed over the Internet. For this encryption technology to work, you need to be equipped with a certain kind of browser capability.

4. Disclaimer of Warranties. The use of this website and services is entirely at your own risk. The site and services are provided in “as is” and “as available” status. Leanbiome disclaims all warranties of any type with regard to the site and services, which include any medical, health or fitness information, and its fitness for a specific purpose or goal. It is not a warranty of Leanbiome that the site or services would fulfill your needs or be uninterrupted, secure, current, accurate, complete free from error and the results will be accurate and reliable. The only option you have with respect to the dissatisfaction with the site or the services is to cease using the site or the services.

5. Health Disclaimers. Any statements concerning physical or psychological health on this website is considered an educational service that is general health information only. The materials are presented “as is” and there are no warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied.

(i) Not a Replacement for Professional Medical Advice or Treatment The website’s content is what is not a substitute for direct personal professional medical care. None of the exercises and methods (including products and services) The information presented in this text is not meant to provide any specific physical health or mental health advice or for any particular person or company that can be used to rely on. We are not medical practitioners and we want to make it very clear that this page should not be misconstrued as a medical advice.

(ii) Health Risks. There may be associated risks implied by the things mentioned on get Leanbiome. public. health. gov for individuals suffering from pre-existing health conditions and with poor physical or mental health. Risks therefore exist, and you will not take part in such activities if you are in poor health and have a pre-existing mental or physical condition. In doing so, you are of your own free will and accord and do it knowingly and voluntarily and that you assume all risks involved by yourself.

(iii) Accuracy and Completeness. All data shared on this website is only for information purposes. Products and services described are accessible only in jurisdictions where they may be legally offered. Information provided is not all-inclusive. It is limited to the information which made available and Such information should not be relied upon as all-inclusive and accurate.

(iv) Injuries. By accepting get Leanbiome. The website owner, the employees and the agents are harmless of any liability, including attorney fees and costs relating to injuries due to the activities mentioned on this website, excepting the cases of gross negligence and intentional tort.

6. Testimonial Disclaimer.

These Testimonials are received in the form of text, audio or video contributions. They are 'live' stories narrating 'real-life' experience of the users of our products and services. Nevertheless, those are individual outcomes and outcomes differ from person to person. We cannot guarantee that everyone will have similar results. Testimonials are not necessarily applicable to all those who would use our products and/or services.

The testimonials shown were exact except for correction of grammatical and typing errors. Some have been shortened. In other words, no message is contained in a testimonial writer received but the message seemed lengthy and irrelevant parts of testimonial are not presented to the general public. Please remember that all images or names in the testimonies were altered to protect those individual's privacy.

Besides, these testimonials should not make any statement that these products can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, alleviate or prevent any illness. Such statements have not been clinically verified and the FDA has not approved of them.

7. Exclusions and limitation of liability.

(a) any link used in references to the business.

(b) your dependency on any of the offered services,

(c) the interruption, postponement, or termination of any of the services,

(d) any viruses that might infect your computer equipment or other property as a result of using the website.

(e) any matter whatsoever connected with your use of the site or services.

8. Refund Policy.

A 60-day, 100% money-back return policy that guarantees a full refund protects your purchase.

Contacting Us

9. Site's Conduct. You agree not to use the site or services:(a) to email or otherwise transmit any material that has software viruses or any other code, files or programs that are designed or known to disable, interrupt or limit the functionality of any hardware, software, telecommunication equipment or facilities. (b) Do not obstruct the page or the service in any way that might be detrimental to Leanbiome and the third party.

10. No Re-selling of Services. You agree to use the services only for your own benefits. You agree not to give these services to any other person. The site or services were not meant to be used to offer any commercial services or third parties.

11. Rules for children under the age of 18. Some content on the site may not be suitable for children. Children below 18 should be permitted to use the Leanbiome program by their parent or guardian.

12. Intellectual Property. The Content of this service belongs to Leanbiome and is protected by the United States Copyright Act of 1976, as amended and the copyright laws of other countries.

13. Links. The links on the Leanbiome web site are for the convenience only and are not reflective of any endorsement by Leanbiome with respect to the quality, reliability or any other characteristic or feature of such linked site. Leanbiome assumes no liability for any loss or damage you may experience connected with any linking site.

14. Communications And Approval For Contacting You. When you are on the Website or complete any online forms, you are interacting with us electronically. You agree to receive any form of communication (including legal notices) from us electronically. We will reach out to you via email, phone, text messages, mail, or by posting anything on the website. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide you electronically will satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

For Leanbiome, our affiliates or associates to deliver communications to you electronically, including via electronic mail and text message, you specifically grant permission. Furthermore, Leanbiome may send out messengers (including legal notices) to you at the street address you provided. Lastly, Leanbiome shall communicate with you by any other means set forth in Leanbiome policy or website notification.

15. Changes. Leanbiome is entitled to amend the terms and conditions from time to time. Any changes will be notified on this Site. The terms and conditions of Leanbiome state that the company can add, change, or discontinue the services anytime. Leanbiome may terminate your use of the services at any time with or without notice and shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification or discontinuance of the services. We, Leanbiome, reserve the right to refuse to offer services to anyone at any time.

16. Entire Agreement. These terms and conditions shall form the basis of the entire agreement between you and Leanbiome regarding the website and services. By your use of this site, you certify that you: (i) I agree to the above terms; (ii) consent from personal physician was obtained for me to use the provided services and undertake the prescribed activities; and (iii) I accept that I am participating voluntarily and at my own risk.

17. Persona Use. To maintain the secrecy of her book and clients, the author of this writing has decided to use a pseudonym, Liz Swann Miller.

18. Affiliate Link Disclosure. As stated in the FTC’s updated policy, we are required to be clear about all affiliate relationships we may have on this website. Therefore, our visitors or customers should assume that any and all links you find on this website, our social media pages, or email newsletters are affiliate links. If you do that, a cookie may be set in your browser and the site will pay us compensation if you end up buying something.

Additionally, revenues from the sale of guides or e books, as well as adverts, may also be generated.

You hereby agree to release and hold harmless Leanbiome, their affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, and employees from any liability for any injury or adverse reaction that you may endure, including any other claims or damages which may arise from your use of the site or services.